Adnan Aamir’s Newsletter

Thoughts, Opinions, and Experiences of a Journalist

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In this space, I will share updates on my latest journalistic work, and commentary on a wide range of issues such as Balochistan, and Chinese interests in Pakistan, among others.

About Adnan Aamir:

I am a journalist, editor, researcher, and trainer with professional experience of 10 years. I cover conflict, economy, politics, international affairs, and governance. I am the lead Contributing Writer for Nikkei Asia from Pakistan.  I am also the founding editor of Balochistan Voices online newspaper and Secretary General of the Digital Media Alliance of Pakistan (DigiMAP).

I have extensively covered the Belt and Road Initiative and its Pakistan component China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). My writings have been published in Financial Times, South China Morning Post, Asia Times, and Business Standard, among others. I have also written for Jamestown Foundation and the Center for Strategic and International Studies among others.

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Subscribe to Adnan Aamir

Journalist, Researcher, Editor, Commentator!


Adnan Aamir is a journalist, commentator, and researcher based in Pakistan. He mostly writes about politics, the economy, conflict, digital rights, media, & Belt and Road. Currently, He is a contributing writer for Nikkei Asia.